SCORKES is Belly Dancing!

Thursday, May 11, 2006


I have been ignoring this blog for more then a month. Just like my bellydancing. There just doesn't seem to be enough time. Sigh.

The passion for bellydancing is still very much alive in me. I still do dance at home by myself. The feeling I get when I get when I am dancing is so unlike any other.

And it's cardio. God knows I need cardio. I have been eating too much and exercising too little.

I would also like to welcome a new addition to the bellydance world: Skay

Also, I've been asked by instructor, Naziehah, to dance for the upcoming hafla. I am a little nervous. I have never danced before in public ... and in front of other more experienced bellydancers too. How daunting!

Hope we would be able to find the time to get enough practice though. We are all busy, busy women these days.

Posted by scorkes :: 5:35 PM ::


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