SCORKES is Belly Dancing!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Lazy Jess!

Yes. I've been a lazy, lazy bellydancer. I skipped two classes, mainly because I've been feeling tired since my sleeping patterns are out of whack.

Anyway, in the last class I attended, I FINALLY, FINALLY mastered the dreaded Egyptian walk. I still can't do it fast, but hopefully, with time and practice, I will.

Then I find out that there's something else called the Egyptian KICK. What lar.

It's really frustrating because I keep feeling that I am not improving as fast as I want to. Guess that I'll just have to learn to be patient and realise that I need time to improve. After all, my instructor has been belly dancing for four years to get at where she is now.

So, things to improve in my dancing:

1) Shimmies (both with legs bent and straight)
2) Egyptian walk (fast)

Got to Practice. Practice. Practice.

Posted by scorkes :: 12:26 AM ::


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