SCORKES is Belly Dancing!

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Fun Fun Fun

Belly dancing can really be incredibly enjoyable. This was perfectly illustrated in yesterday's class. All of us formed a circle and one by one, we all come forward into the middle to dance. As expected, many of us were shy and unwilling at first, but at the end of it all, it's not about how well you can or cannot dance. It's about letting go of your fears and inhibitions and just having fun.

There's undeniably something mesmerising about a sense of confidence, the enthralling aura of enjoyment and uninhibited body movements of a belly dancer locked in the magic of the dance ... and this can be acheived regardless of technique. I think this was how belly dance originated ... a dance by women for women. It gives you an unimitable awareness of your body and makes you feel good about yourself. In today's world, where there is a lot of pressure to be thin and fit in order to be beautiful, belly dancing can help boost a healthy body image as virtually anyone can look and feel beautiful belly dancing with it's smooth, graceful and fluid movements.

It was just fun. fun. fun.

I am so looking forward to our first hafla.

Posted by scorkes :: 9:24 AM ::


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